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Last Minute Artists

Open from 10:00am to 4:30pm Saturday 14 March and 11:00am to 4:30pm Sunday 15 March

A couple of months back Last Minute Artists issued a daring invitation to their fellows: break out of your personal comfort zone and do something different.
Artists who might usually be more comfortable doing, say, landscapes, were challenged to come up with still life creations in any medium, both as 2D wall art and as 3D in order to broaden their own scope and vision as artists. 

Artists are trying out new mediums like switching from acrylics to oil, and experimenting with clay to give wit and charm to a functional object, or assembling mad constructions to pleasure the eye.
Who will be answering the challenge best? Well, Last Minute Artists will be inviting you, the visitors, to decide on your favourite work. 

Expect surprises!

3D and 2D work from artists including Julie Basham, Sue Casebourne, Geraldine Edmonds, Sarah Gregson, Nigel Goss, Sally-Mae Joseph, John Perry, Janet Roland, Robin Shell, Adrienne Shields and Lisa Taylor.

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